Acts 20:35
“Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed [and brings greater joy] to give than to receive.'”
We are currently living in Arizona for a couple months on travel contracts. When we arrived here, we noticed a devastatingly large amount of people in need. Our hearts ached in desperation for so many hurting people. Often in these situations, the devil will speak lies, causing you to feel overwhelmed and helpless; paralyzing you to take no action at all. Often, I have felt helpless and thought what I had to offer wasn’t enough.
Don’t believe in this lie!
God is calling all of us to do what you can, be a light where you are. God loves all of his children and He calls us to have compassion, empathy, and to be a light in a really dark world. Any person you meet may be the only Jesus that person sees.
Matthew 9: 37
“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”
Just do what you can and God’s got the rest.
God gave us the idea to make goodiebags with water, snacks, and a message. We almost give out at least one daily to someone God puts in our path.